DIVORCE, Not condoned by GOD , nor BILLY GRAHAM.
Divorce can significantly worsen bipolar disorder symptoms, often leading to increased severity of manic or depressive episodes relapse, and social isolation due to the stress and life changes associated with separation, potentially causing further INSTABILITY in mood and behavior for individuals with bipolar disorder; this is because the stress of divorce can trigger extreme mood swings and make MANAGING THE CONDITION MORE DIFFICULT.
“ The GRIEF experienced after a DIVORCE can be just as PAINFUL as grieving the DEATH of a loved one, as both involve the loss of a significant relationship and can trigger similar emotional stages like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance; however, the unique aspect of divorce is that the person you are grieving is still alive, which can add another layer of complexity to the process. “
• A divorce is an effort to go back on one's word, to violate a solemn promise or agreement.
• God takes this very seriously.
• “The Lord has been witness between you and the wife of your youth"
• "with whom you have dealt treacherously”
• To act covertly, to be unfaithful, to be a traitor.
Increased symptom severity:
The emotional turmoil of DIVORCE can trigger more INTENSE MANIC or DEPRESSIVE episodes, including increased energy, irritability, IMPULSIVE behavior during mania, & feelings of HOPELESSNESS & WORTHLESSNESS during depression.
"IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH" These words in a marriage vow are a COMMITMENT to love UNCONDITIONALLY, ESPECIALLY the times your spouse is not physically at their best or BATTLING AN ILLNESS (Bipolar disorder) .
Divorce can have important ADVERSE EFFECTS on patients with bipolar disorder. For example, SOCIAL ISOLATION due to divorce can lead to further worsening of psychiatric symptoms, increased risk of relapse, financial difficulties, and decreased treatment adherence.
For MEN, DIVORCE can often lead to significant feelings of loneliness due to a drastic reduction in social support, as they may experience a loss of close connection with their partner, potentially leading to isolation and a feeling of being disconnected from their social network, particularly if they heavily relied on their spouse for social interaction.
Key points about men and loneliness after divorce (SUCKS)
Social isolation:
Men often experience a more significant drop in social support after divorce compared to women, making them more susceptible to loneliness. 
Identity challenges:
Divorce can disrupt a man's sense of identity, especially if they heavily identified with being a husband or partner, contributing to feelings of isolation. 
Difficulty expressing emotions:
Societal expectations can make it harder for men to openly discuss their emotions, potentially hindering their ability to seek support and cope with loneliness. 
Impact on mental health:
Loneliness after divorce can significantly impact a man's mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and even substance abuse issues.
Bipolar Depression II is MAGNIFIED by Divorce. Whatever happened to forgiveness of those we love? In sickness, and health. Until Death do us part, UNTIL DEATH DO US PART.
Reconnect with existing social connections and actively nurture relationships.
Join support groups:
Participating in groups for divorced individuals can provide a safe space to share experiences and receive emotional support.
Seek professional help:
Therapy can be beneficial to process emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and address underlying issues related to loneliness.
Develop new hobbies and interests:
Engaging in activities that bring joy and allow for social interaction can help combat isolation
Challenge negative thoughts:
Be mindful of negative self-talk and actively work to replace them with more positive affirmations .
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread. And forgive us our trespassers, as we forgive those who trespass against. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Marriage isn't "I promise to love you until I stop loving you." It's "I promise to make a conscious decision to continue to love you even when it's hard because I'm aware no one is perfect, but you are worth it." 
Love not divorce" means that when facing challenges in a marriage, the focus should be on working through issues and maintaining love, rather than resorting to divorce as a quick solution; it emphasizes the importance of commitment and perseverance in a relationship even when love might feel diminished.
I promise that I'll be by your side through good and bad times. I'll be there for you no matter what.
In the Catholic Church,
forgiveness is a vital part of a marriage and is considered a commandment. It is seen as a way to grow closer to Christ and to each other, and to heal a marriage.
In “SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH" is a traditional wedding vow that is a promise to love and support a spouse through good and bad times, including sickness and health. It is part of a larger vow that also includes "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer” until death do us part." The phrase is a solemn commitment to stay faithful and committed to a partner no matter what happens.
Coming out of PARTIAL, doesn't mean impaired thinking gets immediately better. Can take a few weeks or months. 
People often engage in activities that make them feel good in the moment, even if those actions could have negative consequences later on, as the mania can lead to impulsive behavior and a
disregard for potential risks, making them pursue activities with extreme enthusiasm without considering the long-term effects. 
If you TRULY LOVE someone, you will do whatever it takes for both of you to LAST FOREVER. You will learn to be more patient, caring, understanding, trustworthy, faithful, forgiving and tolerant. You'll learn to be less argumentative, doubtful and judgmental. Just TRUST 🤞 your HEART ❤️ within your MIND.🧠
When you truly care for someone , their MISTAKES NEVER CHANGE YOUR FEELINGS because it's the MIND that gets ANGRY but the HEART still CARES. ♥️♥️
The ones who LOVE you will NEVER LEAVE you.. Even if there are hundred reasons to give up .. they will find a REASON TO STAY .
People who get a DIVORCE are not MAGNIFYING the grace of God by their willful DISOBEDIENCE to Jesus' teaching. St. Jude wrote, "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness [shameless immorality]"
I DO !
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