
Showing posts from July, 2021

Communication today.

Social Media; texting ; etc...a blessing or a curse to communicating with others (originally March 2018) !! I think I  need to post every few months, not just for younger people, but for all people. Texting, emails, etc are not personal communications, no body language, facial communication, all one way... As usual there are two sides of the coin when discussing this topic; especially if you are a baby boomer or older, and then if you're a millennial or younger. As a baby boomer, social media has reconnected me with many from the past that I would never had connected with again. But, rather quickly you only stay in real contact with your true friends from that age. Real contact are phone calls,  face person to person meetings,  and discovering more about that person than simply how long they've been married, how may many kids, where they're living, or what is their profession. Yes, we're glad to see that others are doing well, not so glad when w

Maria Shriver 60 Life Lessons for my Birthday....

Maria Shriver has written many books I just finished this one. It is a very thought-provoking, reflecting,  meditating, prayerful book. I suggest the book to anyone. In one of the last chapters she wrote about 60 life lessons that she listed on her 60th birthday. A good list, I agree with most but not all I share with you. 1.There is nothing about life that’s predicable, so stop trying to predict it. Right on 2. Find every excuse you can to celebrate it. 3. Love the age you are and stop wishing you were a different one. yes..yes 4. Stop worrying about what others think. It’s a huge waste of your time. A life long lesson, easier said then done. I do know 5. Stop wondering if God is listening, just have faith He/She is.  Yes ! 6. Be grateful to anyone who has ever loved you or tried to love you. I know I am . I try 7. Know that shit will happen in life. You think you will not be able to withstand, but you can and you will. Yep 8. Be kind to your body, it will be with you for

Happy Fourth of July. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
