Naomi, good for you !! πŸ‘πŸ™

Good for Naomi. Because unless you experienced the anxiety and depression that she has, you don't know. I repeat you don't know.

The tennis officials are full of BS, when they say they don't want to give players an unfair advantage, it's about money and promotion. Remember Duane Thomas a 1970s star running back for the Dallas Cowboys, he never spoke to the press, never.

I dealt with depression, I went to work and did little more. I arrived to work barely by 8:00 a.m. . And out the door by 5:05 p.m. I came home, went to my room did little else. It took all my might and will to go to my daughter's High School graduation, her college graduation, to go to my daughter's basketball games, went to a niece's wedding talked to no one, went to Sunday Mass because my former wife forced me to,  didn't play any golf, didn't grow a garden, didn't go to YMCA,  etc etc.  I did what I had to do, work,  but little else. It sucked for everyone. Yes, some criticized me.

The tennis organizations should be more concerned that Naomi is willing to play, then if she gives some idiotic press conference, and answer repetitive questions that most fans don't even care about.

Wake up tennis organizations ,  you might drive one of the best and popular female tennis players out of the game.

You might disagree with me , but then you probably never dealt with depression and anxiety at the level that Naomi is. Keep her in your prayers that she is able to overcome this terrible illness. Please don't criticize her. 


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