Hand in Hand


Mark 5:21-24, 35b-43


Hand in Hand: “He took the child by the hand…” Jesus doesn’t deny or reduce the value of our humanity. The Lord cherishes all that he created in our humanity, and he knows the pain Jairus and his wife experienced. Jesus gently reached out to touch Jarius’s daughter as he brought her back to life. He didn’t have to take her hand to work the miracle, but he preferred to touch her because he loved her. Jesus touches us daily through those he puts in our lives. The intimate touch of a spouse, the needy clinging of a child, the cuddle from a grandchild, or the affection of a colleague—these are ways that Jesus touches us every day. He also sometimes “touches us” in silent prayer

Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will entrust an area of my life that needs healing to your transformative touch. Amen.

Love & forgiveness are the pillars of faith. The intimate touch, the clinging , the cuddle have all disappeared in my life. Those that Jesus put in my life for those daily moments have forsaken their faith, vows (baptismal, matrimonial, confirmation). It weakens me that the last time I held my granddaughter was in this photo, 

@ 2 months old, so innocent (she's almost 2 1/2 years old). Faith is what got me through a serious illness, bipolar depression, multiple times. Often , it was the only thing in my life that was there in good times & bad. Ain't much worse in life than battling depression solo, but I wasn't alone,  God was with me when I let him in. πŸ™πŸ™

Don't ever forsake your parents or family for others or things.You will need to answer on the final day. 

Honor thy Mother & Father

My faith remains ever strong , especially today. I sat in last few pews of Church, among a few young families. 8 kids under the age of 5, 2 sleeping babies. Brought back pleasant memories. It was fun to watch those kids, have them wave at me, smile at me. Faith !! Also, two young children from same family were baptized during the Mass. Refreshing to see more join the Church, and young parents , godparents, step up professing their faith. I hope it just wasn't words & ceremonial pontification.

A great Sunday morning. Keep the faith, more than anything.

Remember ,

Converse, NOT e-invite, NOT text msg..et al


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