It's a Tough Time to be Alone
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Yesterday, a fellow parishioner Mrs. Rosemary Adamo in her 90s was waiting for her ride home after 11:30 AM Mass. Through a few degrees of separation (ref: Kevin Bacon game) I had met Mrs. Adamo before, she & her family had moved from Farmingdale to Fairport in the 1970s. Her children all went to St. Kilian's elementary school , as did I. Her two sons were among the earliest players on the Farmingdale Hawks.
We were chatting with Deacon Dave, finally I asked Mrs. Adamo where she lived, and gave her a ride home. It was a chance meeting, but I didn't let it pass by. Not on the First Sunday of Advent, nor Thanksgiving weekend. A very pleasant lady, we chatted about the link to St. Dominic's HS in Oyster Bay, both her sons played football at St. Dom's. My mom & uncle graduated from St. Dom's. We both knew Bobby White, Jack DiPaola, Farmingdale Meat Market, the busy Conklin Street, Fr. Raphael, Sr. Jean Monica. She wasn't happy her son was late picking her up, but appreciated our chat & ride home.
Be on the lookout for the Mrs. Adamos, the Aldi lady customer, and the elderly person sitting alone in a restaurant. Say hi with a π.
Holidays of yesteryear ;
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