Marriage mirrors God's Love

Marriage mirrors God's Love ❤️❤️ !

God is totally involved in all aspects of married life. Since He instituted this vocation of husband and wife to live as one flesh and no longer two, they exist no longer for themselves, but for each other; that’s how God designed it.  If He blessed this bond of marriage for a lifetime, no matter how difficult, tiresome, or burdensome a relationship to maintain and to preserve, God will supply what is needed as long as the couple allows God to teach and sustain them with His grace.  Alone by themselves to handle the challenges and trials, they will never survive, but with God on their side, no matter how difficult the married life could be, their love for each other will prevail as they mirror God’s love for others. 

Let us thank God for showing us the true meaning of marriage and let us pray for all Catholic marriages and families.  Let us continually ask God to give them the grace they need to discover and fulfill their lifetime beautiful vocation that mirror’s God’s self-giving love in this self-centered world.

 If one should ever violate the vows of marriage and sin, the other promises to show the mercy and compassion of God, extend forgiveness and renew the covenant. It is God’s desire that the covenant of marriage be indissoluble

The sacrament of marriage is a covenant between a husband and wife patterned on the covenant between God and the human race. God entered a pact with every living being through Noah after the flood (Gn 9:8-17). God promised to be faithful to the people of the earth, to love them and provide for them, and that it would be an “everlasting covenant” (Gn 9:16): perpetual, permanent and binding forever.

God doesn't quit on any covenant with his people. Think about that.

In sickness & in health; 
On the other side Bipolar Hypomania:

Read up

All of the year 2006 I was struggling with depression, switched jobs & companies - stress, it was so bad , that my wife along with my health care team made me take a 4 week medical leave from work to be treated at an outpatient mental health program through the beginning of December, medication changes. Did I enjoy it, no, did I go, yes I wanted to get better.

Was I better? NO Alternated between depression & Hypomania, poor impulse control, poor decision making. About 3 months after the end of mental health program, Wife quit on marriage, IN SICKNESS & HEALTH? GOOD TIMES & BAD ? What lesson did that do to my daughters, father is ill with depression, goes to mental health program, wife files for divorce ....
Did father & siblings support me & the God doctrine until DEATH DO US PART? NO ... WALK THE TALK of CATHOLIC BELIEFS ? NO ...
4TH COMMANDMENT HONOR THY MOTHER & FATHER( MARRIAGE & FAMILY defined ) Did many Rochester area friends & religious people support me as I struggled w depression and the resulting actions ? NO .


The Culture of Divorce

And many Catholics say this is ok, read it ...πŸ™πŸ™
Read up about the commandment Honor Thy Mother & Father, and the role marriage, husband & wife in this Commandment. The whole structure of the family, and each member must uphold the Commandment. Not just the children. ✝️✝️

Heaven forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments. We will not obey the words of the king by departing from our religion in the slightest degree. 
1 Maccabees 2: 21-22

And many Catholics say this is ok, read it ...πŸ™πŸ™

How does a person say " I love you for life"  before God, then is full of hatred.  
And that my folks, is person of no faith. 


Be a good Samaritan today, and always. ❤️✌️✝️

This is when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies. It is easy to love friends and family, but it is much more difficult to love those who you may not get along with, or even those who may harm or hurt you.


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