Rheumatoid Arthritis

I was diagnosed with RA back in summer of 2002. I was struggling to get out of chairs at home & work, couldn't do simple tasks at home, couldn't shoot a basketball with my daughters at YMCA, among other things 

This article sums it well about causes of flare-ups & treatments. Many have no idea about the difference between these two arthritis types & osteoarthritis.

For the past several years, I've been on Methotrexate. It's been very effective. I also try to do low impact exercises , this summer I've been swimming laps most days in pool where I live. If I go for walks, it's not long before my hips bother me. 

I do have occasional flare-ups, that effect my wrists, knees, and ankles.
I know RA has effected the strength and flexibility in those joints. It's important to prevent damage to joints, as once damaged they cannot be repaired 

All in all, with the help of my rheumatologist, change in diet, and light exercise it is under control. It has caused problems in the past.

It is what it is. 

Stay safe, be well 

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