I don't like Whiners !

The linked article below is a  much better alternative than to complain, whine, about disruption in life due to coronavirus. READ , be thankful, implement, yes we may be inconvenienced some, but keep in mind some have died, some are very very sick, some are in bad financial situations. However , if you're not in an ICU bed, not on a ventilator, or have someone close to you in such a situation, count your many blessings and please don't whine. 

I never did dare whine as a kid & adolescent when the days were hot & long on the farm, nor on the practice fields or courts when the practices were long & hard, nor when my mother was dying & suffering from leukemia...etc. Why didn't I whine ? Because those around me & those in charge wouldn't accept it. 

I didn't hear those who had lived thru WWII or the depression whine.

God Bless & stay safe.
P.S. Patricia Schmitt didn't whine. 


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