
Showing posts from November, 2023

Salute these two deceased Astronauts! 🇺🇸

Dec. 24, 1968  Apollo 8 And also Christmas Eve  at Grandpa Schmitt's house. We ran outside to try & see the astronauts orbit the moon per Joe Schmitt & Frank Garvey. 😆  Frank Borman Frank Borman Died Nov 7, 2023 Borman's Life And ;  Thomas Kenneth Mattingly Died Oct 31, 2023. You may remember Ken Mattingly from the movie; APOLLO 13 God bless these two space pioneers. 

When you hold a banquet or Thanksgiving dinner, invite the poor.

Steve Martin ( Neal) & John Candy ( Del)   November 6, 2023 DAILY MEDITATION: LUKE 14:12-14 When you hold a banquet, invite the poor . ( Luke 14:13) For Jesus, the dinner table is a sacred place. He often chose to make a personal connection with people by coming to eat at their homes. Because Jesus is present in the sacred meal of the Eucharist, heaven touches earth at every Mass. This holy encounter will continue into eternity in the “wedding feast of the Lamb” (Revelation 19:9). But even ordinary mealtimes can provide opportunities to meet with God. From Abraham to Rahab to the first disciples, God’s people encountered their Lord by showing hospitality (Genesis 18; Joshua 2; Acts 2:44). Even more, they reflected the generous hospitality of God himself. Banquet with St. Kilian 1972 classmates in 2017. So when Jesus talks about holding a banquet and inviting the poor, he’s inviting us to be hospitable like his Father (Luke 14:13). He’s asking us to rewo...

God is Love. This is the Message of Christianity.

God's love  🖇🔗 Tru dat.. . And if it was God’s will, then it was God’s will for Ted to die at an early age. Just like when parents lose a loved one, a parent, child, or unborn fetus . Parents suffer through miscarriages . The fetus is an initial blessing that joins the parents to new life, and in the tragedy of losing the fetus it joins them even more. The fetus’s life is still life, still a blessing .  Like having a puppy. It is a blessing to find and adopt the puppies we have, but life leads to death. As I experienced when Ted died, it can be death that occurs within the embrace of love, with people who love us. This is God’s will, too. It is all part of accepting life. Accept God’s will, which involves such incredible diversity and change, blessings, and sufferings, too. But it is not my will, it is God’s will. January 1987 , we suffered through a miscarriage , our first pregnancy.  It was heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking.  Just the two of us at ho...