IT'S NATIONAL FARMER'S DAY !! If you eat food, everyday is NATIONAL FARMER'S DAY . I was fortunate to be surrounded by farmers growing up. Both grandfathers were farmers, and many relatives. The values of family & hard work were instilled in me on a daily basis. The B & H GREINER POTATO FARM & the AJ SCHMITT & SONS VEGETABLE FARM . God Bless the American Farmer. πΊπ² π❤️ American Farmer . lyrics by Charlie Daniels. See that man in the field over yonder With dirt on his hands and a loan on his back He's the man that puts the food on your table He's the man that grows the clothes on your back Were running a mile out of the house he was born in Tending on the sidelines and watching him fall Selling his land to the big corporations What you gonna do when they get it all He's been rolled for sure treated like a outlaw Turned down sold out, put out to graze He's been pushed you know when he can push no more It gets a little harder everyday He...