Who is AJS III

Anthony Schmitt Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work. July, 2012 Application Essay I have always had a strong interest in helping others. In my adult life, I was very involved in volunteer activities through my church. St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church in Webster NY had a very active social ministry program. I actively participated in Habitat for Humanity, clothing drives, food donation drives, and delivering the food to the needy during the holiday seasons. Additionally, I chaired the finance committee and it was part of St. Paul’s parish mission statement to tithe 10% of our collections to charity. I was involved in the process of approving the charities that were receiving our donations. On Long Island, I was a volunteer for the American Cancer Society. I gave rides to cancer patients who did not have transportation to their medical appointments. Also, I am a trained Spiritual Care Companion for Catholic Health Services of Long Island. This ministry is to be a...