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Keep the Promise ,as The Carters did.. πŸ™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️

The Promises   President Carter may not go down in history as the most adept Commander in Chief, but his life is one to be admired.πŸ‘πŸ‘ 0nly president to live to 100 years of age , only president to be married to his wife for over 77 years, Naval Academy grad, Nobel Peace Prize, Habitat for Humanity. He & Roslyn brought much joy & comfort to many in this world. Disciples of Christ. ✝️✝️ God Bless President Carter & his family. πŸ™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ,πŸ₯œ Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter's 77-year marriage has become part of the couple's political lore. "Yours is a love like everyone would wish that they would have," US broadcasting star Oprah Winfrey told the former president in 2015. But their partnership was not only a romantic union - it was a political alliance as well, one that propelled the couple to the White House and afterward, to a life of public service around the world. "I've been very happy," Jimmy Carter told the New York Times in 2021. ...