If I were the Devil- Paul Harvey | 1965 Warning

If I were the Devil- Paul Harvey 🔗🔗 In 1965 radio commentator and columnist Paul Harvey wrote an essay that some of you will remember., It’s called “If I was the Devil,” and it suggested that America’s problems in the mid-60’s could be traced back to people not working hard, being dishonest, getting divorced, getting high, getting abortions, and getting out of church. As a result, he concluded, the devil must be having a field day in America watching it happen. Harvey’s analysis of a changing America was aimed more at our outward behaviors than the social and cultural currents that were driving people in those directions, but, in its simplicity, it became wildly popular, and is Harvey’s most enduring legacy. Almost 60 years later, the prophecy is mostly true.A concerted plan by the devil is destroying the Church, social norms, family, & marriage. The Devil is Real and He is Dangerous 🔗🔗 The 3 Secrets of Fatima Many people may have heard of the...