The Aftermath of the Blizzard of Buffalo & Who Gets the Needed Help

In the aftermath of a tragic weather event there is usually much Monday morning quarterbacking about how it was handled. Such as the response to Hurricane Katrina by federal & local agencies to the city of New Orleans. Many New Orleans residents were left homeless, without food and water, and stranded without any transportation. The fire situation was ignored for several days. The overwhelming makeup of those affected were people of color. The aftermath of the Dec. 23-25th winter storm in the Buffalo area is that many people of color are stranded, dwindling food supply, impassable streets and lack of electricity. These people reside in the poor sections of Buffalo. The story BUFFALO BLIZZARD In March 2022, a proposal to build a new football stadium for the NFL Buffalo Bills was approved. A total of $850 million in public funds for this project was approved by the NYS legislature and Erie County officials. Are these funds better served for a NFL f...