A little bit of American history that hopefully will stir your heart & soul.

An opinion piece that should be read by all. The Nazis also managed their encaptured people by violence. No similarity ? Both the US slaves & the Jews were denied freedom , forced to do labor , and members of both were murdered. The reasons were simple, they were of the wrong race, ethinicy, or religion. There is no justification to deny people their personal freedom. A few years ago my daughter and I saw the movie, Twelve Years A Slave, it won the 2013 Oscar for Best Motion Picture. I highly recommend it, you'll be both saddened and educated , both Kristen & I were. Yes, Even George Washington Charles Blow On the difficulty of American slavery, I’m an absolutist: enslavers have been amoral monsters. The very concept that one group of individuals believed that they’d the correct to personal one other human being is abhorrent and wicked. The undeniable fact that their management was enforced by violence was barbaric. People usually attempt to c...