Health, Sickness, For life ? Yep !

Shame that many judge me without knowing all the details of an illness that engulfed me & controlled me. Many friends & family forgot the real me , and my values & beliefs that sometimes were ignored due to a terrible & powerful illness. Yet, I clung onto my vow "until death do us part", I didn't quickly abandon when things got really bad or hard. In other words I wasn't the one who quit, I sought help. I had struggled with illness a couple of times before, but on the opposite pole & much different symptoms. But, I had been in a medical health care center only a few months before for Four weeks, before my partner threw in her cards. Wasn't interested in it for the long run. I found out not the fighter I was. Unfortunately, the other person quit, couldn't stand by a few of the vows. For better or worse , in sickness and in health, until death.. I don't remember a free get out of vows card ever being issued. 😒😒 I tell you thi...