Trump leaves hospital but ‘not out of woods’ 🙏🙏🙏 . Truly amazing, a miracle ?

He has prayers & the Bible on his side, but a mask ? 
P.S. Has Mr. Trump said"  it is, what it is " lately ?
 I'm sure the wife, and daughter of my late cousin Robert A. Schmitt Jr. will vomit on those words. Robbie died in April of Covid-19. 🙏

 They say it's a Miracle that the Prez recovered so quickly ! But, I think he learned some public relations stuff from his North Korean pal, ROCKET MAN. Always show strength, never weakness. 

If he had to lead and show how brave he was/is, then why not so brave back in the mid 60s? 

Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War

Pray 🙏🙏 for all those who work @ WH,  that they remain safe .

BTW: I always wear a seat belt, I don't text while driving, I get off the golf course or soccer field sidelines during lightning storms, and I wear my mask if in public & I encounter people. Why ? I value my life & others. 

Legendary Green Bay Packers football Coach Vince Lombardi transformed his team from losers into NFL champions, not because of better players, but because of hard work & DISCIPLINE. I can almost guarantee you, the man would be wearing a mask & so would his players. Why ? He valued his life, his players, and he knew the road to victory  was  DISCIPLINE, always 



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